High Chief Sam & Lolo Rita Duru
2 Corinthians: 11: 1-end & 12: 1-10

“The True Apostle”
St Paul a true Apostle of Our Lord Jesus Christ reiterates the issues about the deceit of those he describes as false ‘Apostles’. He recounts the true qualities of an Apostle. He reminds Christian converts of Corinth about his and his companions’ efforts to bring the Good News to them and how futile it will be for them to abandon it and follow those parading themselves as Apostles and swindling them of their possessions and money. He reminds them how he chose not to receive any such things as money from them and why. He also reminds them of his sufferings as in 11 vs. 23-29, his suffering was immeasurable but he persevered.
He described his weaknesses as something not to be taken for granted. He declares that he will only boast in the name of God the father of Our Lord Jesus Christ and nothing else.

Discussion: How do we know these false apostles? Read 2 Peter2 vs. 12-16. How do we arm ourselves not to fall victims of these false apostles?. We may get some hints on these false apostles from the Letter of 2 Peter 2 v3 & v10 (False Teachers) (For a fuller understanding, read the whole of 2 Peter 2)

Do we boast about ourselves and of earthly things or things of the Lord? Paul says that he will not boast about himself except things that shows how weak he is 2 Cor. 12 v5. The lessons: We must beware of our quest for true deliverers of the Good News as St Paul tells us the believers. We need to bear true allegiance to our Faith as we received from our leaders whom we have come to trust. We need to work harder on our everyday life to avoid being deceived by those St Paul described as FALSE APOSTLES who lie about their work and disguise themselves to look like real apostles of Christ 11 v 13. He remarks that they will get what their actions deserve.

Summary: We have only one true God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. We must trust him to deliver us from these false apostles, prophets and also false teachers as described in second Peter 2. We need to examine our beliefs and Faith, and ask ourselves the tough questions about the teaching we receive from all those that call themselves ‘apostle’/prophets and teachers. We need to be strong in our Christian life that shows that we belong to Christ –James 4 v7 & 1 John 4: vs1-5 ( Spirit of truth and error). Remember, the Apostles Creed we profess, which says that we believe in God. Do not be deceived or afraid as those of little Faith (Matt. 8: v26). Take your issues to God the
Father, God the Son and God the Holy Ghost in prayer James 5:13-15.

Sometimes St Paul has to use strong words, to drive home his messages, and to show his deepest love for the Churches, but some people at that time as in today’s world did not appreciate 2 Cor. 10 vs1-6.

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