Hosted by Chief Sam & Lolo Rita Duru

Friday, 30th June 2017
Bible Study Reading: 1 Thessalonians 4: 7 – end & 5: 1- end

Ten (10) Points for discussion
1 Living a Holy Life (4v7)
2 Loving one another (4v9)
3 Leading a quiet life and minding your own business (4v11)
4 The second coming of Jesus Christ (4v13-17)
5 Encourage one another (4v18)
6 Children of Day and Light (5v5)
7 Putting on Faith & Love as a breastplate and the hope of salvation (5v8)
8 Showing respect to one another and leaving in peace (5v12-15)
9 Doing good and forgiving one another (5v15)
10 Rejoicing, praying always, giving thanks in all circumstances and rejecting evil (5v16-22)

Some referential explanations to the points
1. Living a Holy life: This refers to be set apart away from sin and evil
There are three aspects of senses in which we are holy (being sanctified)
(a) Putting our faith and trust in Jesus
(b) Growing in holiness (being set apart)
(c) When we meet the Lord we will be perfectly sanctified
“Without Holiness no one will see the Lord” (Heb. 12v14 NIV)
Other references: 1 Peter 1v16; Leviticus 20v26;
Some of the characteristics of lacking in Holiness are; Pride, envy, greed, hate,
slothfulness (idleness), gluttony, and lust
2. Loving one another: John 13v34-35, 13v1-3, 13v15, Romans 12v10, Romans 15v7,
Philippians 2v3-5, 1 Cor. 13v4-5, 1 John 4v7
‘We can only give love when our hearts are full of God’s love’
3. Living a quiet life: Aspiring to lead, making it your goal, or your aim, your ambition
to live a quiet life are some of the translations. Writers on this subject describe this
as not segregating yourself away from others, but to be calm in all dealings and
working hard for your living and not relying on others. What they say this means is
be careful not to step on toes or priding too much on other peoples space or
thinking that you have all the answers to every problem presented by others, busy
bodies. (2 Thess. 3v11-12)
4. The Second coming of Jesus Christ: Apostle Paul reassures Thessalonians and us
believers not to ignore this as it is the bedrock of our faith. He equally reassures us
to persist in our faith and trust, not wavering, but constantly be at alert. We must
have hope that every word of God must be fulfilled. Ref. Rev. 3v3, Rev. 20v4-5, 1
Cor. 15v54-55, John 11v25, Matt.5v18
5. Encouraging one another: This refers to constantly building one another up as well
as showing good example as Christians. We can encourage others when we are at
peace with ourselves. There are few examples in the Bible; Isaiah 40v31, Isaiah
40v8, Isaiah 43v2, Hebrews 10v24-25, 1 Thess. 5v11
6. Children of Day and Light: This is referring to those who are true believers in
readiness of the second coming of Christ. They are ready at all times and will never
be taken by surprise. They will be prepared and watchful. They will be complete in
their Faith as to what is happening.
7. Putting on the Breastplate of Faith and Love, and as a Helmet the hope of
salvation: This basically is asking believers to fortify themselves against Satan the
evil one, so that our Faith will not be diminished in any way. We cannot afford to
lose out on that day. (Ephesians 6v10-18)
8. Respect to one another and living in peace: Obviously this also a point of
discussion in our last Fellowship meeting. The verses in the reading makes it clear
how we respect our leaders, as well as be gentle when we criticise or condemn.
We were also warned about those who are not pulling their weight or are
disruptive as well as how to be patient with one another. Matt.7v12, Romans 12v8
9. Doing good and forgiving one another: Always strive to do what is good. Part of
this is supporting each other, encouraging each other, admonishing each other,
respecting each other, and above all loving each other, not paying wrong with
wrong and living in peace. ref. Eph. 4v31-32, Col. 3v13.
10. Rejoicing, praying always, giving thanks in all circumstances: We rejoice in the
Lord, for he has taken our sins away, praying always that we do not fall into sin
and to inherit our salvation. Open our hearts to welcome the Holy Spirit and
prepared to listen to God’s words. Some ref. Eph. 6v18, 2Cor. 5v13, 2 Cor. 4v15,
Jeremiah 30v19, Philippians 4v6, Col. 3v16-17, Psalm 107v8 and Psalm 100v4.
Thank you & God Bless.

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