Rev. Austin Uzoigwe
Daniel 3:1-30 “Faith In The Face Of Trial”

In every society some people feel radically threatened. They seek encouragement and hope. They want to know if God still exists and if God is concerned about their plight. The story of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego in the fiery furnace gives us a picture of that. This inspiring story, which I like to call “Faith In The Face Of Trial”, begins by describing.

A. THE EVENTS LEADING UP TO THEIR ORDEAL.. 1. Nebuchadnezzar’s image, and his command to worship it – Dan 3:1-7 (2) The accusation against Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego – Dan 3:8-12 (3) The king’s threat of the fiery furnace – Dan 3:13-15.

1. To save their situation (a) They had been promoted over the affairs of Babylon – Dan 3:12 (b) They
would lose their position as well as their lives.
(2) To sacrifice their conscience (a) All they needed to do was to conform outwardly (b) Of course, that would have meant disobedience to God – Ex. 20:4-5

C. WE MAY FACE SIMILAR TRIALS TODAY… (1) To save our situation, such as: Our position at work, by doing that which our manager or company requires which may be illegal, unethical or immoral (2) To sacrifice our conscience by conforming outwardly to go along with popular opinion. Which our conscience would condemn us, and so would God. Likely we all have been tempted in some way like this. How did you reacted? And how did Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego reacted? Let’s consider…
II. THEIR TESTIMONY: A. THEY DEMONSTRATED FAITH…(1) In the power of God – Dan 3:16-17. That God was able to deliver them from the fiery furnace, If it was His will. (2) And if it was not God’s to deliver them, they would still not worship other gods, nor the golden image!

Such examples are truly “Faith In The Face Of Trial”! This is what it means to have faith, trust, and commitment to the Lord. Finally, consider…

1. How they were saved in the fiery furnace – Dan 3:19-25 (2) How Nebuchadnezzar was led to bless the true God – Dan 3:26-39

(1) A new sense of freedom!
a. They entered bound, but were soon seen “loose, walking” – Dan 3:23-25 (b). The very thing presumed to destroy them, enabled them to walk freely! (c) So our own trials may be used to set us truly free! – James 1: 2-4; (2) A new source of fellowship!
(a) Note: There was a fourth person in the fire! – Dan 3:25 (b) The identity of this fourth person is not certain. Some think it was an angel or appearance of Christ. However, our trials can bring us closer to God (Hebrews 12:5-11; Rev 7:13-17 (3) A new opportunity for service! (a) They were promoted to even higher positions! – Dan 3:30. So our faithfulness in trials perhaps may lead to greater things!- Mt 25:21;

1. What a wonderful example of faith in these three young men! (a) Committed to serving God, no matter the consequence (b) Believing that God can bring deliverance, willing to accept death, if He doesn’t. (c). Demonstrating that faith in the face of fire can lead to greater things.

2. Let’s not overlook perhaps the most important outcome of this incident: Glory to God! Dan 3:28-29. So, like Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego may our “Faith In The Face Of Trial”! bring praise to God-Mt 5:16. Amen.

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