Rev. & Mrs. Lawrence Osisiogu
Genesis 37: 13-37 Divine Favour: Joseph as Case Study.

God’s prerogative to show Mercy and Compassion God’s divine favour comes upon someone according to God’s divine will and mercy. It’s God’s prerogative to show mercy and compassion on whomever he wishes to. (Rom 9: 15-16). It is worthy to note that divine gift thrives under certain qualities /conditions.

Joseph was endowed with such qualities/conditions upon which divine favour thrives; According to Gen.37: 13. He was found to be a son who gave total obedience to his father Jacob. He was also loyal and obedient to Potiphar his slave Master in Egypt. In Gen.37: 13-17, it was recorded that he desperately sort for his brothers , carrying food/drink , regardless of the fact that he was hated by them. This act showcased him as not only possessing a pure heart but love, kindness and tenderness towards his brothers. Recognition and reverence to God were his main stock in trade; Gen.39:9, 41:16 buttressed this.

Righteousness was Joseph’s bedrock in the midst of his temptation and trials. He trusted God with fear and trembling , preferring to die than Sin against God (Gen.39: 19-20). Finally, Joseph was full of compassion , a man whose spirit was ever ready to forgive wrongs done to him (Gen.45:3-8).
‘Are you desiring God’s divine favour’? Seek JESUS CHRIST; when found, Make Him The LORD of your life.

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