

Testimony Family of Mr. & Mrs. Akali

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Family of Mr. & Mrs. Akali

It was a privilege for my sister Destiny and I to travel with members of the Fellowship without our beautiful Mummy on first trip to Dovedale House, but our Mummy came with us on the second trip.  Wow it was fun, all the beautiful women in the Fellowship treated us like their Children. May God bless them for their hospitality.


The food that we tasted was yummy and amazing a lot of  food to eat, furthermore I think that the game area and the games we played was fun and we would love to meet again and play more fun games, our stay helped us to connect more with the Lord and one another and it allowed us to become better people and in Christ Jesus, and the bible studies was very powerful me and my sister learnt a lot from the bible studies.


We enjoyed the atmosphere, and many people received the Holy Spirit, it was very heart warming.  We think the best part was climbing the mountain and we learnt about the beautiful nature and how God loved from the biggest of elephants to the smallest of ants. We are looking forward to visiting again this year.


Thanks so much to the organiser of this weekend always. Chief Sam Duru and also, we thank Rev Bertram Ogwudire and Aunty Cordelia who paid for me and Destiny in our two trips to weekend always.


May the Almighty God you and your families Abundantly. All praise and glory to the Almighty God. Thank very much to all the members of ICFI Family. One with God is majority.


By Destiny and Divine Akali.

Testimony part 1 by Sister Catherine Igbokwe

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Brethren I am Sister Catherine Igbokwe. 76years of life in the land of of the living only by God’s Grace.

‘My life is a journey’ God has ordained a unique plan package full of stories yet untold.


In this book are pages of God’s awesomeness, love, faithfulness amiss various challenges.

I am not yet where God wants me to be, for He has broken the gates of brass and cut the bars of iron asunder.

Born to my parents first child after waiting for 8 years for my arrival, so I was named Uchechukwu.


Has the journey been swift? by no means, it has been both wonderful and complex, but Isaiah 43/10 is my life logo.


Got well educated, did well in my Nursing Profession, got married to my dear husband in the 70s in London and so suddenly the love of my life passed away leaving me with 4 children and a big vacuum yet unfilled, my world turned upside down!


Being just a religious, Church attendee, I deviated, did my own thing my own way in imperfections, but true to my name, God took over my short comings; turned me to a blessed, favoured, imperfect but forgiven daughter of Zion for I was arrested by the Holy spirit through prayers and efforts of God’s chosen vessels.


Romans 8v1 teaches that there is therefore no more condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.


I struggled greatly with guilt and condemnation; loved the Lord desired to do right, yet there were times I walked in the flesh instead of in the spirit, made and still make mistakes.


Gilt is an invisible burden that wears one out and does no good at all; prevents progress and renders one incapable of proper Fellowship with God because we must approach Him in Faith, boldness; not in fear and guilt for by His death He cancelled our guilt.


Part 2


Joining the ICFI Community my spiritual eyes opened more as the Rhema in the word of God. God’s word became my torch light for life airport in times of weakness, anxiety, fear, through powerful songs, prayers in my mother tongue. In this group you are helped to study and glean a lot from self-effort with support of these wonderful children of a great God as they allow themselves in humility to be used by God.

Join this Community of Igbo brethren in worship hymns, prayers, social interactions, and you will be glad you did.

No child of God is exempt from vulnerability; for I use to be a woman of evidence like Thomas in the book of John 20 /24 to 30, but Jesus spoke peace to my doubts as HE did to Thomas.

Join us in this group non intimidating, gentle, unassuming, calm tutorial; you get to be like the Berean Christians; you go stay intimate with your creator after each Fellowship meeting.


Jesus understands us at our Crisis of faith, He spoke peace at my crisis of faith in this Community of Igbo brethren, and like Thomas, I realised that close intimate worship brings true transformation of attitude, character, and that is a great testimony people of God.


So again, Jesus did not condemn apostle Thomas, so he raised his voice and shouted my Lord and my God!! Brethren this is a serious act of worship, not emotional reaction at worship, but volitional.


Question, in closing, are you running with other people’s affirmation of who Christ is and what He can do in all that concerns us?


Come on board the ship of ICFI: am not saying that the leadership and body of this Fellowship are perfect; for none has attained perfection yet— come, join as we all run in pursuit of JESUS Christ; Holy spirit being the ultimate teacher.

Come on board the chasers of CHRIST, for without Him our lives are hopeless!

Remain blessed, beloved of the Lord.

Testimony presented by Sister Anthonia Ugorji

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Testimony and a song that follows:


Count your blessings name them one by one! Count your blessings see what God has done!

Count your blessings, name them one by one, and it will surprise you on what God has done


I testify to the glory of God, and shame to devil. Isaiah 59: 19b says,

‘When the enemy shall come in like a flood, the Spirit of the LORD shall lift up a standard against him’.

“Yes, devil tried but failed – ‘macham, macham, Satan don fall for gutter, macham



My daughter and I were extremely sick during the Pandemic to the extent that my daughter was referred to specialist.

Several tests were conducted but our cases were tabled to God by ICFI through Rev Ogwudire and his wife.


The first report we received was that the 12 tubes of blood they collected came out ‘Negative’ but the girl is seriously ill. We were told that there are some sicknesses that do not have symptoms.


Different appointments were made for her both on video and face to face, but this Fellowship did not stop presenting our matter to God Almighty even without seeing us at meetings.


Lo and behold! My daughter was healed without seeing any specialist and all the

appointments canceled.

Praaaaaaaaaise the Mighty name of Jesus, Amen.


ICFI, unu g’adi oooo.

Testimony presented by Mrs Nicky Nkeiru Ezeh

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I thank God for this opportunity to share my testimony with my fellow brothers and sisters in this our amazing Fellowship.


I will start by thanking our beloved Sister Cordelia for introducing me to this great Fellowship and at the right time during the pandemic, when we were on lockdown.


The fear of the uncertainty held me so down that to even pray was an excessively big problem because I felt like the whole world was coming to an end with nobody to talk to since the churches were also closed.


The first time I joined the Fellowship online, my heart was filled with joy that I could still fellowship with these wonderful people online.  My spirit was lifted and the whole fear came to an end.  I slept soundly like a baby that night and I felt like the Holy spirit ministered to me.


My prayer life was activated again and making my faith in the Lord to double like never.  I felt so much at home because I was in the mist of my brothers and sisters that could communicate in our local language.


During the prayer times we normally write our prayer points in a piece of paper and put it in the envelope and whatever prayer points I write down God always answers filling my heart with joy.


On the 31st of 2020 when we did the cross over service, I so much lifted my family in prayers asking God for his divine protection upon my family. The following morning being the 1st of January 2021 we woke up with a terrifying news of my mother and my sister-in-law being involved in a ghastly motor accident but by the grace of God nothing happened to them.


I thank the Lord Almighty for his protections and for answering my prayers last night.


In fact, this fellowship ICFI has been a great blessing to me, and my family and I thank the Lord almighty for making me and my family to be part of it.


I have indeed been blessed with so many testimonies since I joined.


May the Lord continue to increase and bless all the members of this Fellowship in Jesus’s name amennnnnnn!


Blessed be the name of the Lord most high.

Thank you

Nkeiru Ezeh