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On 21st May 2011, a few Igbo Christians in Birmingham and Wolverhampton met and agreed to form a Christian Fellowship to bring together Christians of all denominations to share in the study of the Bible as well as praying for one another .

The format is simple, we meet once a month at the house of one of our members who also will lead the Bible study on the day. From 2011, ICFI has gone from strength to strength discovering new and committed Christians joining in fellowship. It has now its own identity in many ways and proposes to register as a Charity in due course. It is also expected that it would set up a website where it will be able to share more of its Bible study topics and notes with the wider public.

More About Us

We have been blessed by God to have several members who are trained or undergoing training to fulfil their calling as Priests. We have been there for one another in times of need. We share praise and worship to the Almighty God. We Pray for Peace in the World. We have received several acknowledgements from those visiting who have witnessed our proceedings. Many of our members have testified the Glory of God in their lives and that of their families through our constant Prayer intercessions. We have a lot to do yet to carry out our vision and by the Grace of God we will accomplish what we have set out to achieve. Also by the special Grace of God our number has continued to rise. The door is open to let in anyone willing to share in our vision to deliver the GOOD NEWS of Christ to our Communities and beyond. The outreach today is designed to invite more Igbo Christians and friends of all denominations across our Cities to join us in advocating for Christ. “Thanks be to God who gives us the victory, through our Lord Jesus Christ”. Amen

Our Vision

Praying for one another and our Community

At Igbo Christian Fellowship International, praying is part of us.

Sharing the word of God

The Word of God is a light unto our feet, hence this is paramount to us

Growing the Kingdom of God

As an instruction from God, we are growing the Kingdom of God, spreading the gospel

Supporting the less privileged

We understand there are people in need, we do our best to support them

Advocating for peace in the world

We follow peace with all men and pray for peace in the world

Encouraging the reading of the Bible in Igbo language

in addition to reading in Igbo language, we promote the speaking of Igbo language