From Pastor Obi Osisiogu:


Bible Reading Genesis2: 1-end and Ephesians 5:1-end

God made marriage a divine institution followed by His order

So the one principle as seen in the book Genesis 1 and 2 is that marriage is a divine institution given by God as part of the created order, so when the order is broken marriage can no longer hold (It is of no man’s order) Genesis1:26-27

God in Genesis 1 was very clear that everything he created was good, (it was mention 7 times) when a marriage goes wrong the order of marriage has been altered  by human, Less look at what was mention that is not good in Genesis 2:18 is for man not to be alone, so Genesis2:19-20 explain that nothing else can be a helper to man, so Genesis2: 21-22 God created a woman, surprisingly the woman came out of Adam’s rib without Adam making contribution to this God’s work.

A union of Man and Woman

Another principle of marriage as seen in Genesis2 is that is a union of man and a woman to become one flesh, remember that the woman is fashioned from the man in the first place, which indicate that they are from the same nature of God. Genesis2:24 mention one flesh; this is an important factor in marriage. (marriage do not really need a third party, it makes it no longer one flesh in whatever way you look at it, either spiritually or physically, even biologically. That is where the trouble of marriage starts. Genesis2:18 & 20.

Genesis1:27 the Lord considered fruitfulness and multiplication in bringing man and woman together.  Genesis 2:24 also indicates that marriage involves the creation of a new family unit. Husband and wife are to leave father and mother; to detach from family in the way the Lord wants it is important in marriage.

Therefore what God has joined together, let not man separate” (Matthew 19:4–6). Divorce violates the one-flesh principle. That is why later in Matthew 19:9, Jesus says that other than for sexual immorality, a man should not divorce his wife. They are one flesh.




Another principle is man and woman has different functions in marriage relationship

One is not more important than the other, but they are different. In Genesis 2:1820, God creates the woman to be a helper to the man. In the aftermath of the fall, God tells Eve that she will have difficulty bearing children, while at the same time telling Adam that he will have difficulty in working the soil. It is evident from the remainder of Genesis (beginning in chapter 4) that one of the woman’s primary responsibilities is in childbearing.


In 1 Peter 3:1 Peter says that wives are to submit to their husbands. Similarly Paul speaks of the submission of the wife to her husband’s headship in Ephesians 5:22–33, which says, “Wives, submit to your own husbands, as to the Lord. For the husband is head of the wife, as also Christ is head of the church.” But Paul also says that husbands have a particular duty in the marriage relationship. In Ephesians 5:25, Paul says, “Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself for her.” The union of husband of wife is also a picture of the relationship of Christ and the Church. Elsewhere, in 1 Timothy 2:12–14, Paul says that the woman should not teach or have authority over the man—and then he goes back to creation and the Fall for the reason vv. 13–14 state: “for Adam was first formed, then Eve; and Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived, fell into transgression” (see also 1 Corinthians 11:8–9). In fact, presumably because of the principle of headship, Paul says in Romans 5:12–19 that it is Adam’s sin, not Eve’s, that caused sin to enter the human race. What does that tell us as men? Take your role in marriage serious



Another important principle is that there should not be any moral compromise, like what happened in Genesis 20:12 and Genesis 26:7. For us, one lie leads to

Lots of moral compromise and ends up affecting the  whole family. Lot himself has to be dragged out of the city by the angels, even after being warned of its imminent destruction (Genesis 19:15–16). But Lot’s wife looks back, longing for her life in Sodom, and she is turned into a pillar of salt. All that is left of Lot’s family are himself and his two daughters. But here, in a tragic aftermath, one sees that the morals of Sodom affect Lot’s daughters as well. Indeed, the text of Genesis is clear that moral compromise produces even greater problems in the future.

Also is good to look to Genesis25:8 you now notice that favouritism causes irreparable harm to a family GENESIS25:28 this not good in marriage, every child in the marriage should be loved equally because it explains the love between the man and the woman


The book of Genesis demonstrates that the Lord has basic guiding principles that are essential for marriages and families today and there are grievous consequences for ignoring or breaking these principles. As has been seen throughout this paper, the principles that are first set forth in Genesis are carried through into the NT as well. God’s principles on marriage and family do not change, despite the shifting sands of public opinion. There are grave consequences for violating these principles. But it is also heartening for this sinner to realize that even in man’s sin, the Lord’s grace shines through.

A family or individual is not doomed to failure or insignificance because of one person’s sin, though there will be repercussions for that sin. Even David, after he commits adultery and murder, is still regarded as a man after God’s own heart and a model for future kings (1 Samuel 13:141 Kings 15:5Acts 13:22).38 He joins the ranks of Abraham, Lot, Isaac, Jacob, and Judah in the book of Genesis, all of whom demonstrate serious shortcomings in the area of marriage and family (some far more serious than others), but all of whom are used by the Lord despite their flaws. It is an excellent reminder, as Paul states, that God often chooses “the foolish things of the world to put to shame the wise” and the weak, base, and despised things so “that no flesh should glory in His presence” (1 Corinthians 1:27–29). Indeed, Paul writes, “we have this treasure in earthen vessels that the excellence of the power may be of God and not of us” (2 Corinthians 4:7). To God be the glory!


 50 tips that can be of great help to marriage

 ”TO THE MARRIED I GIVE THIS COMMAND’’ (1 Corinthians 7:10)

And unto the married I command, yet not I, but the Lord “Let not the wife

 Depart from her husband.

  1. Start each day with a kiss
  2. Wear your wedding ring
  3. Date your spouse at least once a week
  4. Accept your differences
  5. Be polite
  6. Be gentle
  7. Give gifts
  8. Smile often
  9. Touch
  10. Talk about your dreams
  11. Select a song and make it ‘OUR SONG’
  12. Give back rubs
  13. Laugh together
  14. Send a card for no reason
  15. Do what the other person wants before they ask
  16. Listen carefully
  17. Encourage each other
  18. Do it their way
  19. Know their needs
  20. Fix their breakfast
  21. Compliment at least twice a day
  22. Telephone during the day
  23. Slow down
  24. Hold hands
  25. Cuddle
  26. Ask for the other’s opinion
  27. Show respect
  28. Welcome each another home
  29. Try to look your best
  30. Wink at each other
  31. Celebrate birthdays in a big way
  32. Apologize
  33. Forgive quickly
  34. Set up a romantic get-away
  35. Ask, ‘what can I do to make you happier?’
  36. Be positive
  37. Be kind
  38. Be vulnerable
  39. Respond quickly to the other person’s requests
  40. Talk about your love
  41. Reminisce about your favourite times together
  42. Treat each other’s friends and relatives with courtesy
  43. Send flowers every anniversary and for no reason at all
  44. Admit when you are wrong
  45. Be sensitive to each other’s sexual desires
  46. Seek outside help when needed
  47. Watch sunsets together
  48. Say, ‘I LOVE YOU’ frequently
  49. End the day with a hug
  50. Pray for each other daily


       What the bible says about marriage

     Genesis 2 :18,21-24

  • Just one thing: Honouring one another that is marriage.(Roman 12:9-10)(psalm 34:14) (Hebrew13:1)
  • Praying together
  • Read together(devotion)
  • make decisions together
  • Attend church together(Hebrew10:24-25)
  • Continue dating-set aside special, regular times to continue developing your romance
  • Finally, always use the word ‘I LOVE YOU’

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